10 Inspirational Quotes For Dealing With Depression

Depression can be a lonely place. It's easy to feel alone when you're struggling with mental health issues, especially when your loved ones don't understand what you're going through. But there are people who have been through it and come out on the other side—people who know how to help themselves get better, and they want to share their experiences with you. These inspirational quotes will remind you that no matter how bad things seem right now or how hopeless it feels, there's always light at the end of the tunnel:

"You are not alone."

“You are not alone.”

I know it’s a cliche to say, but I don’t care. It needs to be said over and over again as it is one of the most important things you can remember when dealing with depression. You are not alone in this struggle, there are millions of people just like you who have dealt with depression and have gotten through it successfully.

If nothing else helps then remember that there are endless resources available to help you deal with your condition; whether they be friends, family members or professionals such as psychologists or psychiatrists. Just because someone hasn't experienced some kind of mental illness doesn't mean they cannot understand what it feels like or have them offer support where they can give advice on how best manage their own situation without having been personally affected by whatever problem may arise from time-to-time throughout life's journey."

"We are born kicking and screaming because life is hard. And it doesn't get any easier once we grow up."

"We are born kicking and screaming because life is hard. And it doesn't get any easier once we grow up."

A lot of the time, people don't know what they're getting into when they become an adult. Sometimes, you have to accept that life isn't always fair or easy. This can be a difficult realization for some people; however, this quote reminds us that there are always upsides to our hardships and challenges (even if we don't see them at first).

If you're feeling down about how tough things have been lately and you feel like giving up on trying to make your goals happen, remember that even though life may not be fair or easy right now—it will eventually get better!

"You don't need to be thankful, you just need to keep going."

When you're depressed, it can feel like everything is happening to you. It's easy to feel helpless, as if there's nothing in your control. But that's not true—you do have control over how you react to situations and circumstances. You don't always have to be grateful for what happens, but at least do your best and keep going!

"When depression takes over and I can't push through it, I have to close my door and shut the world out. There's nothing left in me. But I know eventually, it will pass and I will hope again."

It can be hard to process how much you're struggling, and even harder to explain it. Depression is an illness, and it needs treatment. It is not your fault and you are not alone; there are people who want to help you get better.

You’re right that other people may not understand what you’re going through, but they love and support you anyway—and that means everything in the world when you're feeling lost. You don't have to go through this alone; there are people who understand what it's like because they've been in similar situations themselves.

"Getting help is a sign of wisdom, not weakness."

  • Getting help is a sign of wisdom, not weakness.

  • It's OK to ask for help. Sometimes, it's the best thing you can do. And it doesn't make you weak; it makes you strong!

  • You don't have to do it alone. There are plenty of people who want to help and are willing to share their experiences with depression. This will give you some relief knowing that someone else has gone through what you are going through right now—and they made it out alive!

"It's OK if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire."

  • "It's OK if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire."

You can't give up on yourself—it's important to remember that there is always a way out of depression. Don't let it win, because it will only make things worse in the long run. You are stronger than you think, so don't let any negative thoughts get in your way!

"I hope you remember today is never too late to be brand new."

It's never too late to be brand new. You can start over and make a change at any age. It's not too late to be the person you want to be, and it's definitely not too late to become a better person than you are now.

It's never too late for anything—even if things feel hopeless at times, keep going!

"If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!"

"If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!"

  • Dante Alighieri

This is a quote from Dante's Divine Comedy. The above passage shows that Dante was inspired by the stars, which he saw as being part of God's creation. It also reflects what he believed about human nature: if people were allowed to see such beauty once every thousand years, they would be inspired by it and tell their friends about it for generations to come.

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”

This quote means the world to me, and it's helped me deal with my depression in ways I never could have imagined. The first time I read this, I was overwhelmed by the idea that there could be something greater than myself working through my life—a reason for living that was much bigger than just me. It gave me hope when I felt hopeless, and gave me strength when I felt weak. If you're feeling down or depressed, reading this quote might just give you the boost you need!

"And then there are those days when it all goes wrong. The pain returns, or you wake in a bad mood. You realize that depression is real and that anyone can be affected by it no matter how successful they seem to be."

Depression is a serious illness, and anyone can be affected by it no matter how successful they seem to be. It’s important to remember that this isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s an illness that affects millions of people around the world every year. Depression is treatable, but it requires treatment and support from loved ones. Don’t ignore what you're feeling; talk about it with your friends or family members so that you can get help!

We all need inspiration sometimes, but here are a few words of wisdom specifically for people dealing with depression.

Depression is not a weakness. It is not a burden to others, and it does not mean that you are a failure or a freak. You may feel like you are all alone in the world, but you should know that many people struggle with depression every day—and there is hope for recovery!

The following quotes from celebrities and everyday people can help inspire you on your journey:

  • “Sometimes I wake up and ask myself, 'Is this all there is?' Then I look around at the mess of stuff that never fits or works right, light up another cigarette and return to staring at my reflection in the mirror wondering what has happened to my life.” -Katharine McPhee

  • “When we're depressed we think we're alone because no one else seems to be struggling; when really they don't want us around because our pain makes them uncomfortable.” -Catherine Keenan


If you're struggling with depression, know that there is hope. There are ways to cope and get through it. You don't need to suffer in silence or let your illness define who you are as a person. If you're thinking about getting help, go ahead and do it! Don't let fear hold you back any longer because we can all use some positive thoughts every once in awhile!