Thoughts for the incredible Class of 2023 and the parents who stood by them!

My thoughts for the incredible Class of 2023 and the parents who stood by them,

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you. Today is a momentous occasion—a day to celebrate your remarkable achievements, your dedication, and your perseverance.  I feel honored to stand before this exceptional group of individuals who have successfully navigated the challenges of college life and emerged as confident, talented graduates.

As I reflect on my own graduations, I can't help but reflect on the significance of this milestone in your lives. It's a moment of transition—a bridge between the familiar and the unknown, between the comfort of the past and the uncharted territory of the future. It's natural to feel a mix of excitement, anticipation, and perhaps a tinge of apprehension as you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your journey.

I want to share with you three key messages—messages that I believe are essential as you navigate the path ahead: embrace curiosity, cultivate resilience, and champion compassion.

Firstly, embrace curiosity. Throughout your college years, you have pursued knowledge, challenged assumptions, and expanded your intellectual horizons. As you step into the world beyond, I urge you to maintain this insatiable thirst for learning. Embrace curiosity as the driving force behind personal growth and professional success. Seek out new experiences, explore different perspectives, and never lose sight of the joy that comes from discovering something new. Remember, the world is a vast and diverse place, filled with endless opportunities for exploration and learning. Embrace curiosity, and it will lead you down paths you never thought possible.

Secondly, cultivate resilience. Your journey through college has undoubtedly been filled with ups and downs—times of triumph and moments of adversity. But you made it. You overcame obstacles, pushed through challenges, and emerged stronger on the other side. As you step into the next phase of your lives, expect setbacks and obstacles. Embrace them as valuable opportunities for growth. Remember, true strength lies not in the absence of failure, but in the ability to rise after each fall. Cultivate resilience, tap into your inner reserves of determination and perseverance, and let setbacks be the steppingstones to your success.

Lastly, champion compassion. As you go forth into the world, remember that success is not measured solely by personal achievements, but by the positive impact you have on others. Be compassionate leaders, empathetic listeners, and active contributors to your communities. In a world often divided by differences, be the force that unites, that builds bridges, and that fosters understanding. The power to bring about change lies within each one of you. So, champion compassion, and let your actions be a testament to the transformative power of kindness and empathy.

Class of 2023, as you stand on the precipice of a new chapter, know that the world eagerly awaits the contributions you will make. You are equipped with knowledge, talent, and the potential to shape a future that is better, fairer, and more inclusive. Embrace curiosity, cultivate resilience, and champion compassion. Let these values guide you as you carve your own path and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Remember that success is not a destination; it is a lifelong journey. Cherish the relationships you have formed, be grateful for the opportunities you have been given, and stay true to your passions and convictions. Believe in yourselves, trust in your abilities, and know that you have the power to make a difference.

Congratulations, Class of 2023. May your future be filled with endless possibilities and may you continue to inspire those around you.

And to the parents of the Class of 2023, today is a day of immense pride, joy, and celebration for each one of you. As your sons and daughters stand on the brink of their college graduation, I want to take a moment to recognize the significant role you have played in their journey. Your unwavering support, love, and guidance have helped shape them into the remarkable individuals they are today.

From the early days of their education, you nurtured their curiosity, encouraged their dreams, and instilled in them a thirst for knowledge. You celebrated their victories, offered comfort during setbacks, and instilled in them the values that would guide their moral compass. Your sacrifices, both big and small, have laid the foundation for their success.

As your children enter this new phase of their lives, remember that you have equipped them with the tools to navigate the world with confidence. They carry your wisdom, your values, and the love that you have poured into them throughout the years. You have prepared them to face challenges, embrace opportunities, and make a positive impact on the world around them.

But as they spread their wings and embark on new adventures, it is natural for you to feel a mix of emotions—pride, excitement, and perhaps a touch of nostalgia. You may experience a bittersweet sense of letting go, as your role evolves from protector and guide to a supporter from the sidelines. Take solace in the knowledge that you have prepared them well and that they carry a piece of you with them wherever they go.

As parents, your love and support continue to be vital in this next chapter of their lives. Be their pillars of strength, their sounding boards, and their safe havens. Offer them your unwavering belief in their abilities and be there to lend a listening ear when they need guidance. Let them know that your love and support are constant, no matter the distance or the challenges they may face.

The Class of 2023 owes a great debt of gratitude to you, their parents, for the countless sacrifices you have made. Your unconditional love, unwavering encouragement, and relentless belief in their potential have helped shape them into the exceptional individuals they are today.

As you witness their graduation, take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey you have taken together. Cherish the memories, the laughter, and the tears. Celebrate their achievements, for they are a testament to the extraordinary job you have done as parents.

To the parents of the Class of 2023, congratulations on raising such remarkable individuals. Today, we honor you for your unwavering support and the love you have poured into their lives. May you continue to be a source of strength and inspiration, as they venture into the world, making a difference and creating their own legacy.

With heartfelt appreciation and admiration,

Dennis J. Carradin, Jr, LPCMH, NCC, BCETS

Founder and CEO, The Trauma Survivors Foundation